I have a ASP.net MVC project, which utilizes resource entries (.resx) through out the project.
Few the resources fed, have HTML in it
example: Hello <b>World!</b>
With paragraphs href and more. As the resources are stored in an XML, the entries are HTMLEncoded
i.e the above example looks like this
eg: Hello <b>World!</b>
Due to this, wherever the resources are displayed, the HTML formatting does not render, and instead the HTML is displayed as visible text.
I tried to use HttpUtility.HTMLDecode and Server.HTMLDecode, but both wont work.
What is wrong? Any other work around resources?
Both of the following work fine for me:
<%= Resource.MyResource %><br />
<asp:Label runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:Resource, MyResource %>" /><br />
A Resource entry such as <b>Text</b>
is displayed in bold by the browser.
Some Controls do automatic HTML encoding of their inputs. Could that be what's happening for you?