I have been trying this for a while but thus far haven't had any luck.
What is the easiest way to retrieve a random number between two very precise numbers on iOS?
For example, I want a random number between 41.37783830549337 and 41.377730629131634, how would I accomplish this?
Thank you so much in advance!
Edit: I tried this:
double min = 41.37783830549337;
double max = 41.377730629131634;
double test = ((double)rand() / RAND_MAX) * (max - min) + min;
NSLog(@"Min:%lf, max:%lf, result:%lf",min,max,test);
But the results weren't quite as precise as I was hoping, and ended up like this::
Min:41.377838, max:41.377731, result:41.377838
You can normalise the output of rand
to any range you want:
((double)rand() / RAND_MAX) * (max - min) + min
[Note: This is pure C, I'm assuming it works equivalently in Obj-C.]
[Note 2: Replace double
with the data-type of your choice as appropriate.]
[Note 3: Replace rand
with the random-number source of your choice as appropriate.]