ok so this problem is kinda weird because the NSLog I have right in front of the line of code that should be printing out the text is returning the correct value.
Here's the code:
-(void)setCurrentDate:(UILabel *)currentDate
NSInteger onDay = 1; //because if it's today, you are on day one, not zero... no such thing as a day zero
//get the nubmer of days left
if( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"StartDate"] ){ //if there is something at the userdefaults
onDay = [self daysToDate:[NSDate date]];
}//otherwise, onDay will just be one
self.theCurrentNumberOfDaysSinceStart = onDay;
NSLog(@"On day: %d", onDay); //this is returning the correct values....
//print it out on the label
[currentDate setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"On day: %d", onDay]];//echoes out the current day number
So when the app first launches, everything is fine. The label updates and everything. The problem arises when I hit a button that basically grabs a new date. In the process, it runs this:
//need to reload the "on day" label now
[self setCurrentDate:self.currentDate];
//and the "days left" label
[self setDaysLeft:self.daysLeft];
Again, I'm thinking this should all be correct because the NSLog is returning the correct stuff. I'm thinking that the problem is with the last line in the first block of code I showed... the line with the setText.
thanks for all your help!
cheers, Matt
If you used a nib
When the nib loads and establishes all of it connections it... (From the Resource Programming guide)
looks for a method of the form
OutletName: and calls it if such a method is present
Therefore the nib will load and call setCurrentDate:
passing in the unarchived UILabel
as the parameter
In your method you configure the UILabel
using the local reference passed into the method
[currentDate setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"On day: %d", onDay]];
You at no point actually store a reference to this UILabel
in an ivar, so technically you have leaked the label and as you have not set the ivar currentDate
it will be initialised to nil
. This is the danger of overriding a setter with an incorrect implementation.
At some point in your method you should be setting your ivar to the passed in variable. A normal setter would look like this
- (void)setCurrentDate:(UILabel *)currentDate;
if (_currentDate != currentDate) {
[_currentDate release];
_currentDate = [currentDate retain];
In your example I would not worry about this at all I would instead change this
//need to reload the "on day" label now
[self setCurrentDate:self.currentDate];
to something like
[self updateCurrentDate];
The implementation would look something like:
- (void)updateCurrentDate;
NSInteger onDay = 1;
if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"StartDate"]) {
onDay = [self daysToDate:[NSDate date]];
self.theCurrentNumberOfDaysSinceStart = onDay;
[self.currentDate setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"On day: %d", onDay]];