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display self closing xml elements to html output

My requirement is to display some xml elements (which are a part of input xml) in an html page.

for eg:

  <org:wild animal="6" species="land"/>
  <org:fish animal="7" species="water"/>
  <org:bird animal="8" species="trees"/>
  <org:mammal animal="9" species="land"/>

I want this entire xml snippet to appear as it is in the html output page, retaining the indentation followed in the input Anyone has any idea on how to implement it using XSLT or Xquery?

EDIT: Jan 2nd, 2012

I tried the first solution(given below). It works, but i lost the indentation. Giving more details, the implementation in my case will be using Xquery. I will use Marklogic command xdmp:xslt-eval(<Stylesheet>,<A-Xquery-function-retrieving-the-above-xml>). When I use the first solution, the resulting html page has no indentation


  • Depending on the browser, HTML doesn't preserve white space very well unless you start doing CSS, which isn't supported uniformly in browsers. I do the following, which preserves white space on display and in the character serialization:

    xquery version "1.0-ml";
    declare namespace org = "someorg";
    let $xml := 
      <org:wild animal="6" species="land"/>
      <org:fish animal="7" species="water"/>
      <org:bird animal="8" species="trees"/>
      <org:mammal animal="9" species="land"/>
    let $quote-options :=
    <options xmlns="xdmp:quote">
    {xdmp:quote($xml, $quote-options)}