I'm working on a quite large legacy Rails app. Most of the code is downright horrible, and I'm trying to make it better as I go through it.
The problem is, there are no tests, and almost everything is wrong. So far I've went through the code and made a lot of handwritten notes on stuff that needs to be refactored, so that I can later do it when I get to adding tests.
But there are things that are just so simple and scream for quick refactoring. For example:
def isValid(valid)
name = Long::AndUglyModule::UglyClass.getvalid(valid)
return name
the whole class looks like this, which makes me wanna just rewrite it to
include Long::AndUglyModule
def is_valid(valid)
the problem is, that I'm afraid of introducing some subtle mistakes. On the other hand, working with code that looks like this gives me loads of headaches.
Is it better to just do simple refactorings instantly, or leave the code as it is until I actually have to work with it or change it directly?
I have much experience with huge legacy code and entire refactoring.
Before all: start with statistics, KB, number of lines, percentage processed, time line. With a google spread sheet one can communicate the progress, and calculate the end date. That legacy code takes much time is underestimated, so be sure you have good documentation.
There is much more to say, but this is what immediately relates to "small refactoring."
One really cannot and should not do anything against the inherent urge of a programmer to refactor small pieces, but refactoring should either be a conversion over multiple sources and occurrences, or while a single use-case is corrected or redesigned.