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Returning 'Allow' Entity Header with HTTPResponseMessage in WCF Web API

I'm trying to return the 'Allow' entity header within the response message and I keep getting the following message:

{"The header cannot be added. Make sure to add request headers to HttpRequestMessage, response headers to HttpResponseMessage, and content headers to HttpContent objects."}

Here's the code snippet:

 [WebInvoke(UriTemplate = "{id}", Method = "DELETE")]
        public HttpResponseMessage<Order> DeleteOrder(int id)
            HttpResponseMessage<Order> response = null;

                if (id <= 0)
                    response = new HttpResponseMessage<Order>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
                    // For brevity, I'm assuming that order - 123456 was already served and logged. Hence it cannot
                    // be deleted. Order 12345, however, can be deleted.
                    // Note: The code doesn't actual delete anything. This is just a demonstration of
                    // the DELETE verb
                    if (id == 12345)
                        return new HttpResponseMessage<Order>(HttpStatusCode.NoContent);

                    if (id == 123456)
                        response = new HttpResponseMessage<Order>(HttpStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed);
                        response.Headers.AddWithoutValidation("Allow", "PUT");

                    // return '404 - Not Found' status code
                    response = new HttpResponseMessage<Order>(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);


                return response;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return response = new HttpResponseMessage<Order>(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError);

Any advice would be very helpful.




  • Try response.Content.Headers instead.