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Java Debug Interface: put the breakpoints at arbitrary locations in the code

I am using the Java Debug Interface API to write the custom programs for debugging the Java applications I write. I am able to add breakpoints to the start of a required method invocation by using the code as:

ReferenceType classRef = vm.classesByName(className).get(0);
Method meth = classRef.methodsByName(methodName).get(0);
BreakpointRequest brF1 = vm.eventRequestManager().createBreakpointRequest(meth.location());

However I am unable to make out how to get Location objects for arbitrary locations within the source files.


  • There are several ways to retrieve a Location for other locations in a source file.

    E. g., Method has several operations for this:

    • allLineLocations() + 1 overload
    • locationsOfLine(int line) + several overloads

    Also ReferenceType has operations for this. Just browse for the usage of Location.