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Android Application creating two launcher icons

I am having a very confusing problem with an application I have been working on for some time. Suddenly, when running my application, I found an immediate force close upon launch.

Upon further investigation, I found two launcher icons in my launcher. One of which will either resume the application if it is running or force close if it is not running. The second will behave as normal - launches the application normally and resumes normally.

I am very confused, as I was not doing anything (that I can think of) to cause this problem. I was not changing anything whatsoever in the manifest and just implementing a few new methods to change colors in my app faster.

These problems persist identically in all my emulators and devices whether I turn off the phone, manually kill the app or uninstall/reinstall the app. A simple ctrl+z did not work. To clarify - all I would like is to go back to have one launcher icon to launch my application normally (nothing special goes on at all).


I am now presented with an immediate force close on launching from either icon. I did find code within two activities within my Manifest displaying and changing the second line from .LAUNCHER to .DEFAULT did fix my original problem. However, I am now always presented with an immediate force close...there are now problems (that I can see) within my originally launcher activity...I am having a lot of trouble attempting to fix this (have no idea what to do) and am starting to become VERY worried!

Update 2:

I found my problems and I thank you guys for all your help! I actually had two separate and unrelated problems that occurred at the same time. Number one - two icons in my launcher: caused because I had two activities with a


  • two activities have

         <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
         <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

    remove second one