I have created a simple CLR procedure that creates a Folder. The problem is that each time I create the procedure inside SQL Server using the "CREATE PROCEDURE..." statement, the procedure is automatically encrypted. I am not using the WITH ENCRYPTION clause and I am also aware that it cannot be used for CLR objects so I am confused here. Here is my code:
CREATE PROCEDURE CreateFolder(@Path nvarchar(500), @FolderName nvarchar(50), @ReturnCode int output, @ReturnMessage nvarchar(500) output )
EXTERNAL NAME MyLibrary.[MyLibrary.StoredProcedures].CreateFolder
I am using SQL Server 2008 R2 workgroup edition.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you.
Is it just showing it as encrypted because you can't see the code for it in Management Studio? You can't script to ALTER or anything so that is likely why.