Is there an easy way to convert UIColor
to a hexadecimal value ?
Or do we have to get the RGB components with CGColorGetComponents
and then work it out from there?
e.g CGColorGetComponents(color.CGColor)[0] * 256
I would consider using Erica Sadun's UIColor category. It includes a lot of functionality for free, including hex representations. It's pretty easy to use, just add it to whatever class header you're using it in or, add it to the pre-compiled header for ultimate flexibility. If you're adding to the pre-compiled header, do so similar to something like this:
#ifdef __OBJC__
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "UIColor-Expanded.h"
Then You can use it like so NSLog(@"%@", [myColor hexStringFromColor]);
GitHub link to the UIColor category:
ArsTechnica article about it: