keytool -exportcert -alias mykeystore -keystore mykeystore| openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64
hello, I am using the above command to generate my facebook key hash. It asks for my password and gives me a key hash. I put this key hash in the facebook app settings, yet it does not work for my signed android app.
When I was debugging the android app, I saw the console message saying it didn't recognize "android key hash blahblahblah" so I copied "blahblahblah" into the facebook app, and that worked - my android app was able to use the facebook stuff while in debug mode. But clearly that was only for the debug keystore. Now for the real keystore the one it generates is still wrong, so a production version of my app will not be able to use facebook api.
One thing about my keystore is that it was made in eclipse. It is one keystore with two keys in it. I have noticed that eclipse keystore acts different than command line keystore things, and that they are incompatible for signing things. Yet I have already released a version of my app so I need to make due with the keys I am already using.
Insight appreciated.
Use keytool -list
to list the aliases you have. If you are not sure which one you used to sign the APK you released, try both. One should work.