so I am looking into PowerManager to prevent phone from going to sleep.
Two questions:
1) My phone is currently set to turn the display off after X seconds, will the PowerManager.Wakelock functions override this?
2) My phone has a top button which can be used to turn off the display, or shut the phone off. Will PowerManager.WakeLock override this functionality as well?
insight appreciated
There is a function in goToSleep(time). This function simply calls method of PowerManagerService goToSleepLocked:
private void goToSleepLocked(long time, int reason) {
if (mLastEventTime <= time) {
mLastEventTime = time;
// cancel all of the wake locks
mWakeLockState = SCREEN_OFF;
int N = mLocks.size();
int numCleared = 0;
boolean proxLock = false;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
WakeLock wl = mLocks.get(i);
if (isScreenLock(wl.flags)) {
if (((wl.flags & LOCK_MASK) == PowerManager.PROXIMITY_SCREEN_OFF_WAKE_LOCK)
&& reason == WindowManagerPolicy.OFF_BECAUSE_OF_PROX_SENSOR) {
proxLock = true;
} else {
mLocks.get(i).activated = false;
if (!proxLock) {
mProxIgnoredBecauseScreenTurnedOff = true;
if (mDebugProximitySensor) {
Slog.d(TAG, "setting mProxIgnoredBecauseScreenTurnedOff");
EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.POWER_SLEEP_REQUESTED, numCleared);
mStillNeedSleepNotification = true;
mUserState = SCREEN_OFF;
setPowerState(SCREEN_OFF, false, reason);
So you can see that all wakelocks are shutdowned in this method.
The method goToSleep can be called only by system components (protected with signature permission). And I think that it is called during the press of your power button. So it rewrites all the wakelocks.