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App Inventor vs Android SDK

I've registered for a mobile app course, and am considering dropping it because we are using the Google App Inventor to create apps.

I've taken a look at a few videos, and it seems all too basic, geared towards non-programmers. I've had some experience with the Android SDK and feel like learning the App Inventor is degrading, a just-for-fun way of making only simple apps. Is this the case? Are you more limited in App Inventor than programming in Eclipse w/Java? The graphical way of 'programming' makes it seem that way. Can anyone with experience comment on it?

thank you.


  • Although graphical programming never gives as much control as coding does, that doesn't necessarily make it a bad thing. It really depends on how much control you need, and what you need to do with it. If you're doing a simple local app with a nice UI, it'll probably be easier to use the App Inventor. Even in the SDK, you will work with graphical tools to design UI. Sure you can do straight XML, but its always nice to have a WYSIWYG to design these things.

    Having said that, personally, I would try to learn the SDK just because it gives you a fuller range of tools. It'll also teach you more of the nitty gritty of developing Android apps. Plus, if you want to be a real Android app developer in the future, it'll give you more of a headstart and knowledge base.