I want to get the all the monthly expired products, here is the query for that:
d =>
!d.ReleaseDate.HasValue &&
EntityFunctions.AddMonths(d.RenewalDate ?? d.AcquireDate, 1) < now)
AcquireDate is the first purchase of the product and RenewalDate is the last renewal of the product.
For some reason it translates to this SQL:
[Extent1].[CustomerDidId] AS [CustomerDidId],
[Extent1].[DidNumber] AS [DidNumber],
[Extent1].[CountryId] AS [CountryId],
[Extent1].[CustomerId] AS [CustomerId],
[Extent1].[AcquireDate] AS [AcquireDate],
[Extent1].[ReleaseDate] AS [ReleaseDate],
[Extent1].[RenewalDate] AS [RenewalDate],
[Extent1].[RenewalNotificationDate] AS [RenewalNotificationDate]
FROM [dbo].[CustomerDids] AS [Extent1]
WHERE ([Extent1].[ReleaseDate] IS NULL) AND ((DATEADD (month, 1, [Extent1].[Rene
walDate])) < @p__linq__0)
There should be a case statement referring to the '??' sign, instead - it completely removed AcquireDate column.
How can I walk-around it?
You have configured the property RenewalDate
as required. Hence EF will optimize the query by evaluating the result of the "if" condition.