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Django: 400 bad request syntax - what does this message mean?

I am using django to build a simple website. When you type the base address (which for now is, I use django to show a view which does some checks and redirects you based on your user privileges. (If you have admin privileges, you go to /admin, if you don't you go to /home, and if you aren't logged in you go to /login.)

When I make that HTTP request, I get redirected as I should but I also see the following two errors in my django log:

  1. code 400, message Bad request syntax ('\x16\x03\x01\x00\x95\x01\x00\x00\x91\x03\x01N\xaa\x9c\x08\x96\x7f\x92\xe9Z\x925\xcaY4\xa6\xa5\xab\xf2\x16\xfaT\x89\xe7\x8a\xc3\x99J)6\xfb\xc44\x00\x00H\xc0')
  2. "??N????Z?5?Y4?????T??ÙJ)6??4H?" 400 -

I translated the hex in the first one to be (spaces added for legibility): SYN ETX NUL NUL U SOH NUL NUL Q ETX NUL N 170 156 X r 246 STX 141 214 ? 143 EOT FS j 142 223 s 241 220 < 185 \ \ m 242 &

I can certainly see why the server wouldn't like that as a request, but I have no idea where it's coming from.

Any ideas?

Thanks very much.


Here is the code for the view:

def index(request):
    user = request.user
    admin_courses = []

    if (user.is_authenticated()):
        u_id = user.getUserId()
        my_enrollment = Enrollment.objects.filter(user_id=u_id)
        admin_enrollment = my_enrollment.filter(type="ADMIN")
        for enr in admin_enrollment:
            course = Course.objects.get(id=enr.getCourseId())
        if (len(admin_courses)>0):
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/admin')
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/home')
    return HttpResponseRedirect('/login')


  • To address your actual question, this occurs if you're trying to access the django server over https. Switch back to http and that error will disappear.