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Can I late bind to event handlers in C#?

I'm creating objects dynamically and inserting them into an html table, the objects are either labels or linkbuttons, if they are linkbuttons i need to subscribe an eventhandler to the click event, but I'm struggling to find a way to actually add the handler. The code so far is:

WebControl myControl;

if _createLabel)
    myControl = new Label();
    myControl = new LinkButton();

myControl.ID = "someID";
myControl.GetType().InvokeMember("Text", BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, myControl,  new object[] { "some text" });

if (!_createLabel)
    // somehow do myControl.Click += myControlHandler; here


  • Something like that will work.

    myControl.GetType().GetEvent("Click").AddEventHandler(myControl, myControlHandler);