I'm making a universal app based on the Utility App template. I've selected a universal app and the MainView.xib and MainView~iPad.xib work properly on both device types.
On the iPad2, when I switch to the FlipsideView, it loads FlipsideView.xib even though there is a perfectly good FlipsideView~iPad.xib file in the project. The default xib is normal (iPhone) sized and displaying in the lower left hand corner of the iPad.
I did have to create the FlipsideView~iPad xib manually. I believe I have the xib properly wired in IB as it shows identical to the FlipsideView.xib connections.
Over the last couple weeks, I've read quite a few posts with similar problems and this Stack Overflow thread answers most clearly and contains links to Apple documentation. So I know it works for others and is documented.
The code for this section is identical to the showInfo() method in the stock Utility App template.
(Yes I realize I can manually load the ~iPad version checking UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM(). I'm trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong in getting the ~iPad modifier to work.)
Any ideas what I'm missing?
Thanks a ton for your help!
in the end i found the solution. it is really very very simple. The xib must be named ~ipad instead of ~iPad, and ~iphone instead of ~iPhone. The bad thing is the if you name them ~iPad, everything works in the simulator but it does not work on the real device.