I'm trying to install PyCrypto 2.4.1 on my local machine (Windows 7 64bit). But, I got following messages on 'python setup.py install'.
running install
running build
running build_py
running build_ext
warning: GMP or MPIR library not found; Not building Crypto.PublicKey._fastmath.
building 'Crypto.Random.OSRNG.winrandom' extension
error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat
What I want to ask is this: can I just copy lib
folder which contains Crypto
folder in it to where my app is located? I'm developing a Google AppEngine app using Python27 runtime, and, I just need local library for PyCrypto.
Actually, I just needed some compiled version of PyCrypto for Windows 64bit.
And, I could get one from here. And, this is a direct download link.
Thanks, everyone!