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Access the widget of a tab in a QTabWidget

I have a QTabWidget, where each tab has a QPlainTextEdit as its widget. So, how do I access each tab widget? How do I edit that widget?


  • You can use the widget function of QTabWidget in order to get the widget at the specified tab index.

    If the QPlainTextEdit is the only widget of every tab page then the returned widget will be that. Otherwise you need to get the children of the widget and find the QPlainTextEdit in them.

    QPlainTextEdit* pTextEdit = NULL;
    QWidget* pWidget= ui->tabWidget->widget(1); // for the second tab
    // You can use metaobject to get widget type or qobject_cast
    if (pWidget->metaObject()->className() == "QPlainTextEdit")
        pTextEdit = (QPlainTextEdit*)pWidget;
        QList<QPlainTextEdit *> allTextEdits = pWidget->findChildren<QPlainTextEdit *>();
        if (allTextEdits.count() != 1)
            qError() << "Error";
        pTextEdit = allTextEdits[0];
    // Do whatever you want with it...
    ptextEdit->setPlainText("Updated Plain Text Edit);