(I'm using Joomla v1.5.15 and PHP 5.3.4)
I have tested the solutions found in this and others developer forums, but I still having the same error.
Requiring file => contratolocal.php
if ( !class_exists('MTIHelperEstadosLocal') )
JLoader::import('helpers.estados.estadoslocal', JPATH_COMPONENT, false);
class MTIControllerContratoLocal extends MTIController
Required file => estadoslocal.php
class MTIHelperEstadosLocal extends MTIHelperEstados
"JLoader::import" is used normally in Joomla to import files to the actual script. Anyway, I tried "include/require_once" php methods also without success.
I got the same error with every solution that I tried:
"Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class MTIHelperEstadosLocal"
The class is not declarated previously becouse I can't use the class without the import and if I print the returned array of the "get_declared_classes()" php method, this class isn't there.
What going on?
There were 2 problems:
The require_once doesn't avoid the second include, and I had to code every require_once in a condition:
if ( !class_exists('MTIHelperEstadosLocal') )