what i am looking is should i go create each classes seprately instead of adding getter/setter prop in the class, what i mean by that is:
so in order to create a Visit i should have the following prop in VISIT
VisitName, Purpose, StartDate, EndDate, HostId, HostName, RequesterId, RequeserName
or should i have this:
VisitName, Purpose, StartDate, EndDate, IPerson Host, IPerson Requester
i need advice/feedback if i am going on the right direction below is the domain model (part of the project not entirly).
i have class called "Visit" in that Visit model i will have basic of visit like name,purpose,start,end date etc... and in that class i also have who will be hosting the visit and who request the visit.
what do you think of the below class?
//aggreate class
public class Visit
IVisitBasic _visitBasic;
IPerson _host;
IPerson _requester;
public IVisitBasic VisitBasic
get { return _visitBasic; }
set { _visitBasic = value; }
public IPerson Host
get { return _host; }
set { _host = value; }
public IPerson Requester
get { return _requester; }
set { _requester = value; }
public Visit(IVisitBasic visitBasic, IPerson host, IPerson requester)
_visitBasic = visitBasic;
_host = host;
_requester = requester;
public Visit() { }
It looks ok as a start, but I wouldn't make a hard and fast domain model until you have actually started coding and testing the initial domain model as you will probably find that things don't quite work as expected or there is something that you have missed, or the requirements change, etc.
Other points from a quick look.
UPDATE RESPONSE: The standard design now for most things is to add a service layer, i.e. VisitService with a createVisit method, and the properties on the visit object should just link to the host and requester without having any business logic in them. (Hope that answers your question?)