Is there any difference between :key => "value"
(hashrocket) and key: "value"
(Ruby 1.9) notations?
If not, then I would like to use key: "value"
notation. Is there a gem that helps me to convert from :x =>
to x:
Yes, there is a difference. These are legal:
h = { :$in => array }
h = { :'a.b' => 'c' }
h[:s] = 42
but these are not:
h = { $in: array }
h = { 'a.b': 'c' } # but this is okay in Ruby2.2+
h[s:] = 42
You can also use anything as a key with =>
so you can do this:
h = { => 11 }
h = { 23 => 'pancakes house?' }
but you can't do this:
h = { 11 }
h = { 23: 'pancakes house?' }
The JavaScript style (key: value
) is only useful if all of your Hash keys are "simple" symbols (more or less something that matches /\A[a-z_]\w*\z/i
, AFAIK the parser uses its label pattern for these keys).
The :$in
style symbols show up a fair bit when using MongoDB so you'll end up mixing Hash styles if you use MongoDB. And, if you ever work with specific keys of Hashes (h[:k]
) rather than just whole hashes (h = { ... }
), you'll still have to use the colon-first style for symbols; you'll also have to use the leading-colon style for symbols that you use outside of Hashes. I prefer to be consistent so I don't bother with the JavaScript style at all.
Some of the problems with the JavaScript-style have been fixed in Ruby 2.2. You can now use quotes if you have symbols that aren't valid labels, for example:
h = { 'where is': 'pancakes house?', '$set': { a: 11 } }
But you still need the hashrocket if your keys are not symbols.