Following is the structure of my class
public abstract class BaseUser
protected List<Perm> permissions;
public abstract void AddPerm(Perm perm);
public class NormalUser : BaseUser
public override void AddPerm(Perm perm)
throw new InvalidOperationException("A normal user cant add permissions");
public class SpecialUser : BaseUser
public override void AddPerm(Perm perm)
if(permissions==null) permissions=new List<Perm>();
class Container
List<BaseUser> users;
What is required:
Normal User will not be allowed add permissions - Done
I have chosen strategy pattern to achieve above
The thing I am not able to achieve is
Both Types of users will be hydrated from the Database (The users will be initialized with list of default permissions)
Am I right in choosing this pattern in this situation? If yes then how do I address requirement 4?
Many Thanks, asolvent
The example your provided is not really an instance of the strategy pattern, it is just a method override. The strategy pattern involves a context object and a strategy object. Regardless, I would try to avoid the temptation to apply OOP in all possible places. Instead of inheritance consider using a UserType enum and a simple if statement to support the required behavior. This makes it easier to map to a database and also keeps the code simple:
enum UserType {
class User {
public UserType Type { get; set; }
public override void AddPerm(Perm perm){
switch (this.Type) {
// logic goes here
This type of problem is a recurring theme in using OOP in enterprise data driven applications and I normally try to keep things as simple as possible. Do you really need to derive a base User type to provide the required functionality? Will it have additional behaviors and properties?