I'm writing a JUnit test for some code that produces an Excel file (which is binary). I have another Excel file that contains my expected output. What's the easiest way to compare the actual file to the expected file?
Sure I could write the code myself, but I was wondering if there's an existing method in a trusted third-party library (e.g. Spring or Apache Commons) that already does this.
Here's what I ended up doing (with the heavy lifting being done by DBUnit):
* Compares the data in the two Excel files represented by the given input
* streams, closing them on completion
* @param expected can't be <code>null</code>
* @param actual can't be <code>null</code>
* @throws Exception
private void compareExcelFiles(InputStream expected, InputStream actual)
throws Exception
try {
Assertion.assertEquals(new XlsDataSet(expected), new XlsDataSet(actual));
finally {
This compares the data in the two files, with no risk of false negatives from any irrelevant metadata that might be different. Hope this helps someone.