I have two tables with a common primary key. Now i want to get data from that both tables and show in single view using that primary key.
How i can get both table data in single domain class? How can i specify mapping?
For Example
Table-A and Table-B both are in single schema ABC
class X {
int id
String name
static mapping = {
table name: "Table-A", schema: "ABC"
columns {
name column:'name'
now i want to get address from table-B so that my view looks like below
2 HSJHD 23 X-Street Washington USA
How to get two table data in single domain class?
This sounds like a foreign key relation, you would simply use belongsTo in each object (provided a one-to-one relationship). http://grails.org/doc/latest/ref/Domain%20Classes/belongsTo.html
Otherwise you could create a database view on your database, then create a domain object to match that view. Creating a domain based on a database view is identical to creating a domain based on a table.