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De serialising JSON in webmethods

Based on the following code...

A user can come along and add as many 'outgoings' as they like via a separate function. I then add a new 'li' to the DOM and auto generate the txt ID

<ul id="ulOutgoing">    
        <label>Outgoing 1</label><input type="text" id="txtOutGoing0">
        <label>Outgoing 2</label><input type="text" id="txtOutGoing1">

At the end of the users path i need to send all txt values and labels to the server to firstly save to a db then generate a response based on the supplied data.

var OutGoings = {};

$('#ulOutgoing').find('li').each(function () {
    var obj = {};
    obj.text = $(this).find('label').html();
    obj.value = $(this).find('input').val();
    OutGoings.OutGoing = obj;

var DTO = { 'OutGoings': OutGoings };

function callBack(response) {
    //Handel my webmethods response

ajaxCall(DTO, 'visualise-my-outgoings.aspx/getPieData', callBack, false);

My web method needs to accept the JSON Object and make it usable so I can loop over the txt value and labels and perform some db interactions and further logic

public static string getPieData(OutGoings OutGoings)
    //Handel the object

public struct OutGoings


So... I have two questions

  • Am i creating the correct JSON object to push to my web method
  • How do I deserialise the object in my webmethod and what structure should my 'OutGoings' struct take?

  • Solution

  • You probably need a collection of OutGoing:

    public class OutGoing
        public string Label { get; set; }
        public string Value { get; set; }

    in your page method:

    public static string GetPieData(OutGoing[] outGoings)
        // Handle the object
        return "Hello World";

    and finally the client simply fill this collection by looping through the li elements:

    var outGoings = $('#ulOutgoing li').map(function() {
        return {
            Label: $('label', this).html(),
            Value: $('input', this).val()

    and then POST it to the page method:

        url: 'visualise-my-outgoings.aspx/GetPieData',
        type: 'POST',
        contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
        data: JSON.stringify({ outGoings: outGoings }),
        success: function(result) {
            // TODO : process the results

    The JSON.stringify method is what properly serializes the javascript array into a JSON string. It is natively built-in modern browsers. If you need to support legacy browsers you might need to include the json2.js script to your page.