using the gems cells and declarative_authorization (along with Devise) and I'm trying to figure out how to include the permitted_to? into the cell templates. So far I've added this to my cells Cell (the Devise one works for it's helpers):
class SidebarCell < Cell::Rails
include Devise::Controllers::Helpers
helper_method :current_user
include Authorization::AuthorizationHelper
helper_method :permitted_to?
def display(args)
@object = args[:object]
@notice = args[:notice]
@alert = args[:alert]
But it's bombing at the fact that declarative_auth helper module uses the following code:
def permitted_to? (privilege, object_or_sym = nil, options = {}, &block)
controller.permitted_to?(privilege, object_or_sym, options, &block)
and obviously this gives
undefined local variable or method `controller' for ...
After some more thinking, I'm not sure this would ever work with Cells. Declarative_auth needs the controller to base it's rules on, but Cells has nothing to do with that controller. It would seem to me that the two are incompatible, unless I pass a reference to the controller into Cells? Starting to think that Cells isn't the way to go.
This will work if you add
helper_method :controller
that just delegates:
def controller
Sorry for that inconvenience, but the entire helper architecture in Rails sucks: