I am learning assembly and I have this function that contains some lines I just don't understand:
. globl
. text
cmpl $0 ,4(% esp )
jne cont
movl $1 ,%eax
cont :
movl 4(%esp),%eax
decl %eax
pushl %eax // (1)
call factR // (2)
addl $4,%esp // (3)
imull 4(%esp),%eax
and the C code corresponding to it is:
int factR ( int n ) {
if ( n != 0 )
return n;
return n ∗ factR ( n − 1 );
I am not sure about the lines marked with numbers.
pushl %eax
: does it mean we put the contents of %eax
So we call factR()
. Will the result of that be in %esp
when we come back here to the next instructions?
addl $4,%esp
not sure about this one, are we adding 4 to the number stored in %esp
or do we add 4 to the pointer to get the next number or something similar?
It appears that the factR()
function follows the C calling convention (cdecl). It is where the caller pushes the arguments to the function call onto the stack and the caller cleans up the stack (undoes the changes to the stack that was made to do the function call) when the function returns.
The first push (1) is putting the contents of the %eax
register as the argument to the following call. Then the actual call to the function is made (2). Then the stack is cleaned (3) by resetting the stack pointer %esp
back to the state when it didn't have the argument pushed back in step 1. It pushed one 32-bit value so it must adjust the pointer by 4-bytes.