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How can I find examples of problems to solve with hidden markov models?

I read quite a bit of hidden markov models and was able to code a pretty basic version of it myself.

But there are two main ways I seem to learn. One is to read and implement it into code(which is done) and the second is to understand how it applies under different situations(so I can better understand how it relates to problems I might be working on). All the examples I have done so far have involved either some kind of dna prediction or coin tossing.

I'm wondering if there are any resources to get other markov problems(language doesn't matter but hopefully with the answers as well so I can know if I'm right or wrong)?


  • There are a couple good examples in the stanford ai class, otherwise, do some googling for intro's to HMM's. This PDF has a decently good example on the topic, and there are a ton of other resources available online. As I mentioned in my comment, stats.stackexchange may be a better place for a question like this because HMM's are a type of statistical model, so you may get a more detailed answer there. Hope this helps!