I have a situation where when one of my models is saved MyModel
I want to check a field, and trigger the same change in any other Model with the same some_key.
The code works fine, but its recursively calling the signals. As a result I am wasting CPU/DB/API calls. I basically want to bypass the signals during the .save().
Any suggestions?
class MyModel(models.Model):
some_field = #
some_key = #
#in package code __init__.py
@receiver(models_.post_save_for, sender=MyModel)
def my_model_post_processing(sender, **kwargs):
# do some unrelated logic...
logic = 'fun! '
#if something has changed... update any other field with the same id
cascade_update = MyModel.exclude(id=sender.id).filter(some_key=sender.some_key)
for c in cascade_update:
c.some_field = sender.some_field
Disconnect the signal before calling save
and then reconnect it afterwards:
post_save.disconnect(my_receiver_function, sender=MyModel)
post_save.connect(my_receiver_function, sender=MyModel)