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What is the best way to present multiple options in a form for section 508?

I will need to provide a way for a user (who will be using a screen reader) to select multiple options within a form. Currently, these options are laid out in a two column table with checkboxes in the first column and spans with the label for the option in the second column. This isn't section 508 compliant, but it will need to be for this site. I'm trying to figure out the best way to replace this form with something better.

The options I have are to either

  1. Use ul/lis with labels for the checkboxes


  1. Use a multi-select drop down list.

Does anyone have a preference or a better idea?


  • I've decided to use a muli-select dropdown. In case anyone was wondering. It seems to work fairly well with the screen reader I'm using. I did find that IE seems to be the best browser to work with and most screen readers aren't working very well with Chrome or other browsers unfortunately. I can only assume then that most people who visually disabled are probably using IE because of this.