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Unit Testing with JUnit in JNDI datasource Hibernate with weblogic environment?

i am using datasource in weblogic server and, using the datasource in Hibernate. With HibernateUtil class am getting the SessionFactory, now i want write test cases for my DAO layer by using JUnit.

  1. How to get the SessionFactory in my Test class.
  2. I am able to get the datasource by jndi lookup in setUp method in my Test Class

is there any better way of writing test classes in this environment?


  • You can get the datasource JNDI, using javax.naming.InitialContext. But I think wouldn't be a good idea make the test dependent on container (weblogic).

    I had only 2 ideas:

    • You could use Mock, getting a fake conection to DB.
    • Or you could use a diferent hibernate configuration file for tests. This way, you can specify the connection directly, without JNDI.

    Loading this test-file-configuration can be done using reflection or a mock.