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vb.netabstract-class abstract class understanding

If I have a class called A and a class called B, if B inherits A that means A is the super class and B is the subclass. I have been asked to describe why class A is not an abstract class but as i see it class A is an abstract class A, as it has been created for Class B to use in the future, is it something to do with Class B not being able to access the fields in Class A as although they are private by default?

Class A looks something like this

Public Class A
    StartDate As Date
    Men As Integer
    Place As String

    Public Sub New()
        StartDate = Today
        Men = 0
        Place = ""
    End Sub
End Class

Class B Looks like this

Public Class B inherits Class A
    Grade As ExamGrade

    Public Sub New()
        StartDate = Today
        Men = 0
        Place = ""
        Grade = 'Easy'
    End Sub

    Public Function setGrade(grade As String)
        ExamGrade = grade
    End Function
End Class


  • In order to be abstract, class A must have the MustInherit keyword.

    Abstract (MustInherit) means that this class serves as base class only and cannot be instantiated with New. It also allows you to declare abstract (MustOverride) members with no implementation, i.e. no method body. The inheriting classes then must override the abstract members and provide an implementation unless they are abstract themselves (where a third level of deriving classes would then provide an implementation).

    Note that you are allowed to call an abstract member. At runtime the implementation of the actual implementing class will be called.

    See: MustInherit (Visual Basic)

    Members are private if not specified otherwise. Specify them to be Protected to allow descendant classes to see them or Public to allow "everybody" to see them.

    See: Access Levels in Visual Basic

    Public MustInherit ClassA
        Protected StartDate As Date
        Protected Men As Integer
        Protected Place As String
        Public Sub New()
            StartDate = Today
            Men = 0
            Place = ""
        End Sub
        Public MustOverride Sub Print()
    End Class
    Public ClassB
        Inherits ClassA
        Public Grade As String
        Public Sub New()
            MyBase.New() 'This initializes StartDate, Men and Place
            Grade = "Easy"
        End Sub
        Public Sub SetGrade(ByVal grade As String)
            Me.Grade = grade
        End Sub
        Public Overrides Sub Print()
            Console.WriteLine($"Grade = {Grade}")
        End Sub
    End Class

    Now, you can use it like this

    Sub Test(ByVal a As ClassA)
    End Sub

    You can call Test by passing it a ClassB object.