Search code examples

Next item in foreach SMARTY

I do slider on the website. On one slide I have two div. The data displayed on the SMARTY.

Slider div's

{foreach $slider as $sliderr}
    <div id="sliderBox">
<div id="showcase" class="showcase">
        <div class="showcase-slide">
            <div class="showcase-content">
        <div class="showcase-slide">
            <div class="showcase-content">
                {$sliderr.img} // ?? I need img+1

I need the next record from the table slider. How to read the next record SMARTY in a loop?


  • Maybe this works for you:

    {foreach from=$slider key=i item=sliderr}
        <div id="sliderBox">
    <div id="showcase" class="showcase">
            <div class="showcase-slide">
                <div class="showcase-content">
            <div class="showcase-slide">
                <div class="showcase-content">