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Building Python 2.5 with full Sqlite3 as a user on linux

This is a bit of a complex problem, at least for me. Here it goes:

I'm working as a user on linux server and it's safe to assume that installing any package not already installed is simply impossible.

Also I need to set up working Python 2.5 (not installed) with working SQLite3 library (Sqlite in any form not installed).

What I can do is: 1. Compile Python 2.5 and make it work 2. Compile amalgamation of SQLite3

Anyway - Python 2.5 is supposed to have interaction with Sqlite3 built-in (pysqlite). It seems true enough, however importing sqlite3: import sqlite3 fails because - in the end - it is impossible to import _sqlite3

Some googling lead me to understand that while pysqlite may be built-in, the sqlite is not. Therefore I assumed that I need to built in locally sqlite and somehow make these two pieces of software interact.

Fair enough.

I'm able to - I hope so - compile amalgamation to shared object but it seems messy. Should I rename to _sqlite3 and throw it somewhere? It seems fishy a bit, I tried it anyway and get an error: dynamic module does not define init function (init_sqlite3)

At this point I'm a bit stuck. I'm not too familiar with building/compiling stuff - I admit that sudo apt-get / sudo yum made me lazy but for some reason it is not an option at the moment.

Help appreciated!


  • First download, build and install sqlite3 with a --prefix. Then build python with same prefix , it will find sqlite installation and will build _sqlite3 module.

    $ mkdir -p ~/applications/src
    $ cd ~/applications/src
    $ wget
    $ tar xvvf sqlite-autoconf-3070900.tar.gz
    $ cd sqlite-autoconf-3070900
    $ ./configure --prefix=~/applications
    $ make
    $ make install
    $ cd ~/applications/src
    $ wget
    $ tar xvvf Python-2.5.2.tgz
    $ cd Python-2.5.2
    $ ./configure --prefix=~/applications
    $ make
    $ make install
    $ ~/applications/bin/python
    >>> import sqlite3
    >>> # no error!