I'm new to accessing Active Directory and I was advised to use the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement
namespace but I don't know how to search in it for a user with a certain initials.
Any help ?
Here is a full sample using PrincipalSearcher
, even with your own attributes if you want (the code is as is).
/* Looking for users
PrincipalContext domainContext = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, "WM2008R2ENT:389", "dc=dom,dc=fr", "jpb", "root.123");
/* Create a user principal to look for
slxUser aSlxUser = new slxUser(domainContext);
aSlxUser.streetAddress = "The Adress"
/* FindAll
PrincipalSearchResult<Principal> results = new PrincipalSearcher(aSlxUser).FindAll();
With this definition for slxUser :
class slxUser : UserPrincipal
public slxUser(PrincipalContext context)
: base(context) { }
public slxUser(PrincipalContext context, string samAccountName, string password, bool enabled ) : base(context, samAccountName, password, enabled)
public string streetAddress
object[] result = this.ExtensionGet("streetAddress");
if (result != null)
return (string)result[0];
return null;
set { this.ExtensionSet("streetAddress", value); }