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Maven plugin loading classes

I have an application which has legacy Struts actions extending org.apache.struts.StrutsActions. I would like to be sure that all my classes which are extending StrutsActions have a custom annotation.

In order to provide this I have written a small maven enforcer rule to validate my requirement. However I dont know how to load my classes at my mojo to validate them.

Actually I have done something not fancy which is injection outputDirectory and with a custom class loader I have recursively loaded all classes at my build folder.



  • I have done it with the help of reflections


    my implementation is like this:

    public void execute(EnforcerRuleHelper helper) throws EnforcerRuleException {
        URL url = getURL(helper.evaluate("${}"));
        Predicate<String> filter = new FilterBuilder().include(getTargetSuperTypeForSubtypes());
        Predicate<String> filter2 = new FilterBuilder().include(getMustHaveAnnotation());
        Reflections reflections = new Reflections(new ConfigurationBuilder()
            new TypeAnnotationsScanner().filterResultsBy(filter2),
            new SubTypesScanner().filterResultsBy(filter))