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How Do I get values from the previous form fields?

I have two forms, notably for classes named User and Company. In the User form, when the user finds that his/her own company is not already in DB, then he/she will create a new Company. I have changed the save action of the Company controller to something like this :

def save() { 
        def companyInstance = new Company(params)
        if (! true)) {
            render(view: "create", model: [companyInstance: companyInstance])

        flash.message = message(code: 'default.created.message', args: [message(code: 'company.label', default: 'Company'),])
        redirect(controller:"user", action:"create")

That is after saving the new company, I'm redirecting to User's create action. However it works quite well, the user who have already entered some value (i.e before going to the Company's create action) are been missing in the User form fields.

How do I retrieve the values back on the User field?

Thanks in advance.


  • You can achieve this with Webflows. Webflow is a list of forms, one after another that keep state between them. This way you can go 'back' to User form later without loosing entered values. Webflows are not easy - it's for semi-advanced users.