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After twice click only jquery is firing for ajax post method

I am using the ajax post method to send values from aspx to that i am calling that ajax method a s function in the button click event after inserting the values in the db only i will call the script but when i click the second time only that script is calling how to fix it while clicking at at first time itself?and also this method is not working in the firefox but working in IE when clicking for the second time.

    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
  function resetFields()
    $("#<%=this.btnAdd.ClientID %>").click(function() {
    // we want to store the values from the form input box, then send via ajax below
    var ddlCompany = $("#<%=this.ddlCompany.ClientID %>").attr('value');
    var txtLocation = $("#<%=this.txtLocation.ClientID %>").attr('value');
    var txtDept = $("#<%=this.txtDept.ClientID %>").attr('value');
    var ddlIndustryType = $("#<%=this.ddlIndustryType.ClientID %>").attr('value');
    var txtDesg = $("#<%=this.txtDesg.ClientID %>").attr('value');
    var ddlFnalArea = $("#<%=this.ddlFnalArea.ClientID %>").attr('value');
    var txtExperience = $("#<%=this.txtExperience.ClientID %>").attr('value');
    var txtJobDesc = $("#<%=this.txtJobDesc.ClientID %>").attr('value');
    var txtEducation = $("#<%=this.txtEducation.ClientID %>").attr('value');
    var txtDesiredProfile = $("#<%=this.txtDesiredProfile.ClientID %>").attr('value');
    var txtPositionWanted = $("#<%=this.txtPositionWanted.ClientID %>").attr('value');
    var txtAddedBy = $("#<%=this.txtAddedBy.ClientID %>").attr('value');
    var txtContactName = $("#<%=this.txtContactName.ClientID %>").attr('value');
    var txtEmailid = $("#<%=this.txtEmailid.ClientID %>").attr('value');
    var txtContactno = $("#<%=this.txtContactno.ClientID %>").attr('value');
      type: "POST",
       url: "",
      data: "ddlCompany=" + ddlCompany + "& txtLocation="+ txtLocation+"& txtDept="+ txtDept+"& ddlIndustryType="+ ddlIndustryType+"& txtDesg="+ txtDesg+"& ddlFnalArea=" + ddlFnalArea+"& txtExperience="+ txtExperience+"& txtJobDesc="+ txtJobDesc+"& txtEducation="+ txtEducation+"& txtDesiredProfile="+ txtDesiredProfile+"& txtPositionWanted="+ txtPositionWanted+"& txtAddedBy="+ txtAddedBy+"& txtContactName="+ txtContactName+"& txtEmailid="+ txtEmailid+"& txtContactno="+ txtContactno,
      success: function(response){
       return false;


protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
c.MyQuery("insert into tblHrims_currentOpeningsNew(nvrDesignation,nvrCompany,nvrExperience,nvrLocation,nvrEducation,nvrDepartment,nvrIndustryType,nvrFnalArea,nvrJobDesc,nvrDesiredProfile,nvrContactPerson," +
" nvrContactNumber,nvrEmailId,nvrWantedPositions,nvrAddedBy,dttAddedon) values('" + txtDesg.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "") + "','" + ddlCompany.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + txtExperience.Text + "','" + txtLocation.Text + "','" + txtEducation.Text + "'," +
" '" + txtDept.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "") + "','" + ddlIndustryType.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + ddlFnalArea.SelectedItem.Text + "','" + txtJobDesc.Text.Replace("'", "''") + "','" + txtDesiredProfile.Text.Replace("'", "") + "'," +
" '" + txtContactName.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "") + "','" + txtContactno.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "") + "','" + txtEmailid.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "") + "','" + txtPositionWanted.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "") + "'," +
" '" + txtAddedBy.Text.Trim().Replace("'", "") + "','" + c.GetValue("select getdate()") + "')");
      string strID = c.GetValue("select max(intsno) from tblhrims_currentopeningsNew");
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "reset", " resetFields();", true);


    1. you can use on event handler in jquery. live, bind and delegate are deprecated in jquery 1.7.
    2. you dont need to use attr('value') instead val() will work.
    3. include datatype = 'html' in ajax call to denote that response will be in html.

    4. Also you have kept $(document).ready(function(){ inside the function resetFields. which is not needed.

    5. remove function resetFields call from button element.

    Then try using below code, i hope it will help you

    String scriptString = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">$(document).ready(function(){
        $('#<%=this.btnAdd.ClientID %>').on('click',function(){
        var ddlCompany = $('#<%=this.ddlCompany.ClientID %>').val();
        var txtLocation = $('#<%=this.txtLocation.ClientID %>').val();
        var txtDept = $('#<%=this.txtDept.ClientID %>').val();
        var ddlIndustryType = $('#<%=this.ddlIndustryType.ClientID %>').val();
        var txtDesg = $('#<%=this.txtDesg.ClientID %>').val();
        var ddlFnalArea = $('#<%=this.ddlFnalArea.ClientID %>').val();
        var txtExperience = $('#<%=this.txtExperience.ClientID %>').val();
        var txtJobDesc = $('#<%=this.txtJobDesc.ClientID %>').val();
        var txtEducation = $('#<%=this.txtEducation.ClientID %>').val();
        var txtDesiredProfile = $('#<%=this.txtDesiredProfile.ClientID %>').val();
        var txtPositionWanted = $('#<%=this.txtPositionWanted.ClientID %>')val();
        var txtAddedBy = $('#<%=this.txtAddedBy.ClientID %>').val();
        var txtContactName = $('#<%=this.txtContactName.ClientID %>').val();
        var txtEmailid = $('#<%=this.txtEmailid.ClientID %>').val();
        var txtContactno = $('#<%=this.txtContactno.ClientID %>').val();
          type: 'POST',
          url: '',
          data: 'ddlCompany='+ddlCompany+'&txtLocation='+txtLocation+'&txtDept='+txtDept+'&ddlIndustryType='+ddlIndustryType+'&txtDesg='+txtDesg+'&ddlFnalArea='+ddlFnalArea+'&txtExperience='+txtExperience+'&txtJobDesc='+txtJobDesc+'&txtEducation='+txtEducation+'&txtDesiredProfile='+txtDesiredProfile+'&txtPositionWanted='+txtPositionWanted+'&txtAddedBy='+txtAddedBy+'&txtContactName='+txtContactName+'&txtEmailid='+txtEmailid+'&txtContactno='+txtContactno,
          datatype = 'html',
          success: function(response){


    Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "reset", scriptString, true);