I am a little familiar with CI, and now I am trying to build a web portal using it. I am trying to make it flexible enough to accept widgets/modules. Just like how components are to joomla.
For this, (I think) I should create modules, but the sad part CI by default does not accept any modules. But through HMVC or Modular CI, even this might be possible, but as i haven't used them before, I do not know which would fit in my case, for the long run.
Basically, I would like to communicate with other modules and their controller through a common controller. Kind of like a front controller.
For example take my default controller as Site and the functionality of what I am looking is somewhat like this...
class Site extends CI_Controller {
public function index() {
$appName = $this -> uri -> segment(1); // Take this as app name
$appControllerName = $this -> uri -> segment(2); // Take this as app controller name
$this -> load -> module($appName); //Loading our app Module
$this -> $appName -> load -> controller($appControllerName);
$this -> $appName -> $appControllerName -> render();
// Take Render() as one of the common method that all the modules controller should have and is reponsible for rendering the HTML
Above code is just what I am trying to get. There might be better way to do these. Either way I am looking forward to your replies.....
User Controller
//MX_Controller is the HMVC controller, so anything extending
//this class is a Module
class User extends MX_Controller{
//Public function hidden from URL but accessed via Module
public function _comments($user_id){
//grab comments for this users from your database
//return as an array or object
once inside your views you can access any number of modules...
//Module One
foreach( Modules::run('User/_comments', $user_id ) as $user_comments )
// return all comments for this user
//Module Two
foreach( Modules::run('Widgets/_show_random_stuff', $user_id ) as $user_widgets )
// return all widgets for this user