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Qt slot and class inheritation

In the parent class , i have a slot setup in constructor:

  Class DummyParent 
        QWebPage page;

     public slots:
              connect (&page , SIGNAL(...) , SLOT(replyFinir(bool));

          void replyFinir (bool ok)
               // handle reply messages

Now i have another class derived from DummyParent:

class DummyChild
    public slots:
        void replyFinir (bool ok)


Now i have the problem , since the slot connection setup in DummyParent's constructor , so it's connecting to the old handler , not the current one.

How can i let DummyChild::page call it's own replyFinir(bool) function ?


  • Have you forgotten virtual in the base class replyfinir?

    Alternately just disconnect/reconnect the signal in the derived class ctor