I got following situation. I have Deliverers
and Promotions
tables linked with DelivererId
on Promotions
(foreign key). In my MVC app I simply display list of promotions with this code:
promotions = db.Promotions.
Where(p => p.WeekNo == currentWeek).
OrderByDescending(p => p.WeekNo);
I was asked to add another column which is dynamically computed (select count(*) on another table). My solution was to create a view as select *, count(....) from Promotions ...
The problem is that my view does not have Deliverers1 navigation property and I have no idea how to add it. Any suggestions?
If another table is a property navigation of this entity:
var promotions = db.Promotions.
Where(p => p.WeekNo == currentWeek).
OrderByDescending(p => p.WeekNo)
.Select(p=>new {p,p.Count(...));
If not a property navigation:
var promotions = db.Promotions.
Where(p => p.WeekNo == currentWeek).
OrderByDescending(p => p.WeekNo)
.Select(p=>new {p,db.othertable.Where(q=>q.foo==p.foo).Count());