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T-SQL how to calculate palmaresand create a view based on one table and a view?


I have these objects in a bridge card game:

Tabble: Series SerieID Title DateAdded

View: BoardCounter BoardID SerieID Counter

The counter is the number of time each board has been played. Now I need to establish a ranking based on the counter divided by the number of days of presence.

I figured out easily how to calculate the days:

select serieid, date, datediff(day, DateAdded, GETDATE()) Days, Title from auboardseries

But not being that much a T-SQL geek (mostly used to LINQ), I need help to create the new view.



  • Here's my stab at this based on a whole bunch of assumptions I've made about your question.

    Here's my bootstrapping code to get sample data:

    Your series table

    DECLARE @series table
    SeriesID int,
    Title varchar(10),
    DateAdded datetime
    INSERT @series
    SELECT 1,'series 1','10-10-2011'
    SELECT 2,'series 2','8-01-2011'
    SELECT 3,'series 3','11-30-2011'

    Your BoardCounter View (it's a table here but that shouldn't matter and you said you've got that figured out already)

    DECLARE @BoardCounter table
    BoardID INT,
    SeriesID INT,
    INSERT @BoardCounter
    SELECT 1,1,1000
    SELECT 1,2,800
    SELECT 1,3,600
    SELECT 2,1,2000
    SELECT 2,2,1600
    SELECT 2,3,1200
    SELECT 3,1,500
    SELECT 3,2,400
    SELECT 3,3,300

    Okay, the following should be the guts of the view you say you want. It's just a join of the table and view above. Again, this is fine because once a view is created, in this situation, it's just like a table. Nothing too fancy. I divided the counter by the days elapsed like you indicated. You'll notice that I've converted both values to FLOATs first and rounded the result to two decimal places. That's just an assumption on my part that you'll want a fine grained ranking. You can adjust that as you like.

    select S.SeriesID, DateAdded as [Date], ROUND(CAST([COUNter] AS FLOAT)/CAST(datediff(day, DateAdded, GETDATE()) AS FLOAT),2) AS Ranking,S.Title
    from @series s
    INNER JOIN @BoardCounter bc
    ON s.seriesid=bc.seriesid

    So, you should be good to just change a few table/view/column names in this and slap a CREATE VIEW AS on it.