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Sine Wave Sound Generator in Java

What's the simplest way to generate a sine wave sound at any frequency in Java? A sample size more than 2 bytes would help, but it doesn't really matter.


  • See Beeper for a self-contained example.

    Perhaps something simpler?

    That 51 lines of snippet (repeated below - spaced out for single line & in-line comments) as shown at the top of the linked answer, is about as simple as generating a tone gets (OK, you can take out 5+ lines for the harmonic).

    People seem to assume it should be a method built into the toolkit to produce a pure tone. It is not, and takes a little calculating to make one.

    /** Generates a tone, and assigns it to the Clip. */
    public void generateTone()
        throws LineUnavailableException {
        if ( clip!=null ) {
        } else {
            clip = AudioSystem.getClip();
        boolean addHarmonic = harmonic.isSelected();
        int intSR = ((Integer)sampleRate.getSelectedItem()).intValue();
        int intFPW = framesPerWavelength.getValue();
        float sampleRate = (float)intSR;
        // oddly, the sound does not loop well for less than
        // around 5 or so, wavelengths
        int wavelengths = 20;
        byte[] buf = new byte[2*intFPW*wavelengths];
        AudioFormat af = new AudioFormat(
            8,  // sample size in bits
            2,  // channels
            true,  // signed
            false  // bigendian
        int maxVol = 127;
        for(int i=0; i<intFPW*wavelengths; i++){
            double angle = ((float)(i*2)/((float)intFPW))*(Math.PI);
            if(addHarmonic) {
            } else {
                buf[(i*2)+1] = buf[i*2];
        try {
            byte[] b = buf;
            AudioInputStream ais = new AudioInputStream(
                new ByteArrayInputStream(b),
                buf.length/2 );
   ais );
        } catch(Exception e) {