I am developing simple facebook canvas app. I was following this page in documentation: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/appsonfacebook/tutorial/
In my app, I would like to encourage users to share it, so I tried to make a feed dialog according to this (first javascript example): http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/feed/
I am able to share a link, but nothing happens after clicking share or cancel. I have defined the redirect_uri parameter a it is the same domain URI as defined in app settings. The weird is, that if I click close button (X), the page in redirect_uri loads inside the iframe dialog lightbox.
Any idea, where should be the problem? Long googling lead to no result :/
Per the documentation, the redirect_uri is only for when someone clicks cancel (or closes the dialog without sharing). I cant tell from their documentation where it goes if they share. However, the situation of the iframed dialog getting the page nested into it is very odd. My first instinct is that something is incorrect in the app settings. Ensure you have both the http and https versions of your facebook app specified.