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Does roxygen2 automatically write NAMESPACE directives for "Imports:" packages?

tl;dr version of my question

If I want to import packages, do I have to manually write import() directives into my NAMESPACE file? It seems like roxygen2 won't magically do that for me, even if I have them listed as "Imports:" in my description.

Fuller Version

This is a pretty dumb question, but I ask because the answer's not obvious to me.

I use roxygen2 to handle my R package documentation. When I want to be sure a function is exported, I add an @export tag to its roxygen block. Subsequent runs of roxygenize() will write the NAMESPACE directive accordingly.

But, my package currently imports several others:

    R (>= 2.13.0),
    ggplot2 (>= 0.8.9)

It appears that while roxygen2 will rewrite the NAMESPACE directive for exported functions, it won't automatically rewrite NAMESPACE to reflect packages I've designated should be imported in my DESCRIPTION.


  • Expanding on my comment, if you want to automatically add namespace directives for packages/functions you import, you can do so by adding the @imports package or @importFrom package function line to the roxygen2 documentation header of your function.

    However, as @hadley pointed out, it will only modify the NAMESPACE, but not affect the package DESCRIPTION