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How in Blend to make a shape have blurry edges?

I have one rectangle on top of another.

They have sharp edges.

I want them to blur together.

It seems there is a way to blur them with "Bitmap Effect" but I'm not finding that in my Rectangle property search in Blend.

How can I blur the edges of one rectangle so the two don't have sharp edges where they touch?


  • If you have not found this effect yet in Blend do the following.

    1. Select your rectangle in Blend as the current object with focus.
    2. From the Properties Tab, select the expander down arrow under the Appearance tab. This will be just under the StrokeThickness property.
    3. The first item in the expanded area is BitmapEffect. Using the combobox to the right of this, select Blur from the combobox drop down.
    4. You can now adjust Blur by using either Gaussian or Box and adjusting the Blur Radius.