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What is an efficient way to measure similarity between two strings? (Levenshtein Distance makes stack too deep)

So, I started with this:

Which works great for really small strings. But, my strings can be upwards of 10,000 characters long -- and since the Levenshtein Distance is recursive, this causes a stack too deep error in my Ruby on Rails app.

So, is there another, maybe less stack intensive method of finding the similarity between two large strings?

Alternatively, I'd need a way to make the stack have much larger size. (I don't think this is the right way to solve the problem, though)


  • Consider a non-recursive version to avoid the excessive call stack overhead. Seth Schroeder has an iterative implementation in Ruby which uses multi-dimensional arrays instead; it appears to be related to the dynamic programming approach for Levenshtein distance (as outlined in the pseudocode for the Wikipedia article). Seth's ruby code is reproduced below:

    def levenshtein(s1, s2)
      d = {}
      (0..s1.size).each do |row|
        d[[row, 0]] = row
      (0..s2.size).each do |col|
        d[[0, col]] = col
      (1..s1.size).each do |i|
        (1..s2.size).each do |j|
          cost = 0
          if (s1[i-1] != s2[j-1])
            cost = 1
          d[[i, j]] = [d[[i - 1, j]] + 1,
                       d[[i, j - 1]] + 1,
                       d[[i - 1, j - 1]] + cost
      return d[[s1.size, s2.size]]