On redmine 1.2/rails 2.3.11 I'm rendering a repository markdown file as html (as redmine_markdown_extra_viewer does), and now I'am trying to cache the result, which should be updated on each commit.
So I have a git hook that fetch the repo changes, and i'd like it to also clear the corresponding cache entries.
Cache generation (in a RepositoriesController::entry override):
cache_key =['repositories_md', @project.id.to_s, @path.to_s].join('/')
puts cache_key
@content = cache_store.fetch cache_key do
Kramdown::Document.new(@repository.cat(@path, @rev)).to_html
render :action => "entry_markdown"
The hook that should clear the cache, but has no effect:
# This is ok
ruby script/runner "Repository.fetch_changesets"
# This not
ruby script/runner "Rails.cache.delete_matched(/repositories_md\/.*/)"
So it doesn't work and i don't even know if i've taken the right direction to implement that. Any input much appreciated!
Which cache backend are you using?
If it's memcached or anything other than the FileStore
or the MemoryStore
, the delete_matched
method is not supported.
You're probably better off letting them expire and just replace their cached contents as they get updated.