I have to play an ogg audio file in the background when the user hits a "Music On" button. Currently the page uses an AUDIO tag, and it works in Firefox, but not in IE (confirmed by this table).
Is there a really cross-browser way to play an ogg audio file, if possible without Flash?
I am aware of the existence of specific libraries like JPlayer or SoundManager, but do I really have to use one of them? After all, it is just to play a sound...
Forget about cross-browser. Stick with ogg. It's much better than mp3 in every way. Tell people to change their browser to one which supports ogg (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Opera). If they don't want to change, then forget about them; they don't deserve to hear your audio. If your client doesn't understand this, leave him and let him waste money on one developer after another until he finds a "yes man" developer who will give him a terrible website that will be a nightmare to use and will need completely redeveloped in a year's time.